The INNA Committee wanted to make our members aware of an upcoming Event.
hybrid event is being organised by CSL VIFOR as a medical educational meeting for nephrology and cardiology practitioners. The meeting is scheduled for April 21st and 22nd 2 week before our own INNA event. This meeting has been approved for 6 CPD points by the RCPI and promises to be an educational and informative event. Feel free to scan the bar code to get further information about the event and how to sign up. Please see the Agenda below:
Approved-Invite – Heart Kidney Masterclass 2023
SESSION 1- Friday April 21st – 18:00-20:30
A Cardio–Renal Case Challenge
18:00-18:50 : Arrival, Registration and Refreshments
18:50 19:00 : Welcome and meeting open
Prof. Kenneth McDonald St. Vincent’s University Hospital Prof. Austin Stack University Hospital Limerick
19:00 – 20:20 :
From Inpatient to Outpatient: Integrating management strategies across the patient journey
An Expert Breakdown and Interactive Case–Base Approach Prof. Kenneth McDonald (St. Vincent’s University Hospital) Prof. Austin Stack (University Hospital Limerick) Dr. Yvonne Smyth (University Hospital Galway) Dr. John Holian (St. Vincent’s University Hospital) Dr. Richard Murray (General Practitioner Limerick)
20:20 20:30 : Summary and Close and Evening Buffet
SESSION 2 – Saturday April 22nd – 08:45-11:30am
A Look back on Key Clinical Trials from 2022: Implementing clinical trial data into clinical practice
08:45 09:30 : Registration
09:30 09:35: Welcome and meeting open (Chairperson) Prof. Kenneth McDonald
09:35 10:50: A series of short presentations from key trials of 2022: STOP ACEI, DELIVER, FIDELITY, IRONMAN, ADVOR
Dr. Robert Hall (Limerick University Hospital)
Dr. Avinash Radhakrishna (Cork University Hospital)
Dr. Ailis Pollock (Limerick University Hospital)
Followed by a discussion on the clinical implications of the latest data in chronic kidney disease and Heart Failure management
Invite Panel:
Prof. James O’Neill (Mater Misericordiae University Hospital)
Prof. Declan De Freitas (Beaumont Hospital)
Dr Michelle O’Shaughnessy (University Hospital Galway)
10:50 – 11:00 : Key Takeaways
Chairpersons & Invited Panel
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
SESSION 3 – Saturday April 22nd – Coffee/Tea break: 11:30-12:30
Managing Diuretic Resistance in Acute Cardiorenal Syndrome
11:30 11:35 : Introduction
Professor Austin Stack
11:35 12:15 :
What would I do when the fluid doesn’t come off…..
A Nephrology Perspective
What would I do when the fluid doesn’t come off…..
A Cardiology Perspective
Professor Sunil Bhandari
Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, UK
Dr. Katie Murphy
Mater Misericordiae University Hospital
12:15-12:30 : Ask the Experts / Panel Discussion
Invited Speakers and moderated
by Professor Austin Stack
SESSION 4 – Saturday April 22nd – 12:30-13:30
Evolving Patient Pathways in Heart Failure and Beyond
12:30-13:00 : The Implementation and Delivery of Integrated Health Care through the New Community Care Hubs.
Invited Panel:
Dr. Joe Gallagher (HSE/ ICGP Lead Cardiovascular Disease) Dr. Matthew Barrett (St.Vincent’s University Hospital)
Dr. Sarah Moran (Cork University Hospital)
13:00 13:20 : Ask the Experts / Panel Discussion
Invited Panel and moderated by Professor Kenneth McDonald
13:20 13:30 : Meeting Close and Thank You