Home dialysis Unit Galway
Home Dialysis Unit,
Unit 1,
Merlin Park Hospital,
– 091 775533
– 087 0523913
– 086 0473346
Fax: 091 775950
Email: homedialysis.galway@hse.ie or michelle.silke@hse.ie
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday: 8am to 17.30
Dialysis stations:
1 HD station
2 clinical rooms for PD
Services Provided:
– Peritoneal Dialysis
– Home Haemodialysis
Haemodialysis Unit, Unit 7, Merlin Park Hospital, Galway.
Tel. (091) 775575
Fax. (091) 775727
Email. Unit7@hse.ie or geraghty.maria@hse.ie
Opening hours: 07.30-20.30 Sunday to Friday
No. of dialysis stations: 17
Acute Dialysis Unit, St. Teresas Ward, UCHG.
Tel. (091) 893886 (087) 2229945
Fax. (091) 893312
Email. acutedialysisunituhg@hse.ie or miriam.finnerty@hse.ie
Opening hours:
07.30-22.00 Sunday to Friday
07.30-20.30 Saturday
No. of dialysis stations: 3