Cork University College Hospital
Joanne Lyons a/CNM2 Dialysis unit 2nd Floor Cardiac Renal Centre Cork University Hospital Wilton Road Cork
Geraldine Scannell a/CNM3 Renal services S/A.
Eileen Phelan CNM2/Gillian Kingston Home therapies S/A.
We have Renal CNS x3 also working in CKD and transplant.
Opening Hours Haemodialysis
7am-12mn with on-call service 12mn-7am
Dialysis stations in use 29 but have 35 (6 bed bay used for self care patients)
Opening hours Home Therapies
8am-6pm Mon-Friday
Phone 021 4920883
Fax 021-4920390
Services Provided
Haemodialysis-self care HD-Home Therapies which is P.D. and Home Haemodialysis